What is the Remote ID and Local ID for IKEv2? Print

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The answer below only applies if you have purchased a VPN account with PremiumVPN. If you haven't please sign-up, deposit money and create a VPN account first.

The Remote ID is the server address and the Local ID is the vpn username.

For example, if you wish to connect to server eu-fr.321inter.net
Then the Remote ID will be also eu-fr.321inter.net, and the Local ID will be same as your username. 

Take a look at this settings window in IOS:

Of course your username you have to replace by your real username and put in your VPN password.

You can find the server address in "VPN server list". The username is emailed to you upon activation on of your VPN service.

IKEv2 is also known as Internet Key Exchange version 2. It is an advanced VPN protocol that provides a balance between security and speed. It is an ideal protocol for mobile devices.

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